Rick's Blog

Buzz: Evers may be behind BOCC vote

There is a rumor that State Rep. Greg Evers is a large factor behind Commissioner Wilson Robertson’s motion. Evers has been blasted for months on the NorthEscambia.com website in the Comments sections as being pro-consolidation since he sponsored the legislation. The talk in the diners above Nine Mile Road is that Consolidation is all his fault. The reality is people in the mid and northern part of Escambia County don’t want to be anything like Pensacola.

Evers is also battling new rumors in north Santa Rosa that he plans to push Consolidation in that county also. Though I haven’t seen any polls, the buzz is that he is starting to lose support in the rural areas where he is the strongest. One Century native told me, “A large number of people in the north parts of the two counties would vote for anyone breathing
running against Evers right now.”

Evers has always been strong in the north ends of our two counties, and he is counting on a landslide in both.

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