Rick's Blog

Buzz: Miller could be next VA Secretary

With Donald Trump’s victory, speculation has already begun about who will be in his Cabinet.

Here are the names we’re hearing:

Secretary of State – Newt Gingrich
Secretary of Defense – Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) or retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn
Attorney General – former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, or maybe even Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Our out-going Congressman, Jeff Miller, appears to be the logical choice for Veterans Affairs Secretary because of his service as House Veterans’ Affairs Chairman. Miller endorsed Trump early.

In July at campaign event in Hampton Roads, Va., Trump told the media that he was considering Rep. Miller as a possible VA secretary.

“He certainly is someone a lot of people respect,” Trump said of Miller.

Stay tuned.

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