Buzz: Sexual battery at West Pensacola Elementary

The cover-ups continue in the Escambia County school system. A female child was allegedly inappropriately touched by an older student at a bus stop. The third grader tried to tell the bus driver, but was told to be quiet and sit down. She tried to tell her teacher and was told to be quiet and go to her seat. Neither the bus driver nor teacher reportedly notified law enforcement of the sexual battery. That didn’t happen until the little girl told her parents that a boy had groped her. The parents were the one who notified the proper authorities.

I am getting more and more of these types of stories. The much-promised transparency that Superintendent Malcolm Thomas promised when he ran three years ago doesn’t exist. For someone who bragged that he didn’t care if he ever got re-elected, Thomas has a staff that’s afraid to report anything.

If there was ever a need for a grand jury on the safety in our schools and classrooms, this is the time.
