The word I received late yesterday is the Quint and Rishy Studer will be making a big announcement today that will further increase their investment in this community and add to the momentum of the recent downtown redevelopment.
What I love about this is the naysayers went nuts earlier this fall when the daily newspaper reported that the Studers had brought venture capitalists into the Studer Group. They wailed that the Studers were backing out of their commitments to the City and were abandoning Pensacola. Instead the Studer Group continues to expand–adding employees and customers–, purchased a home inside Pensacola city limits for their residence and today’s announcement will reaffirm their affections for this place.
Haters will sadly continue to hate. These facts won’t interfere with their venom and lies. In fact, I expect them to escalate their attacks. After all, nothing bothers them more than success.