Buzz: Superintendent Thomas withheld Title I funds from Dixon Charter School

One of the big justifications for closing A.A. Dixon Charter School is that it had nearly $100,000 operating deficit in its first school year, 2010-2011. The IN has learned that the School District failed to give A.A. Dixon $70,000 in Title I funds to which the school was entitled because of the high enrollment of economically disadvantage student. In talking to those close to the school, it still hasn’t been paid though funds.

We are also hearing that several parents are considering a lawsuit against the Superintendent Thomas and the School District for violating the federal laws on Title I funds. Their children – through the school – were entitled last year to those funds to supplement their education and better prepare them for the FCAT.

By closing the school, the School District will not have to hand over the 2010-2011 Title 1 funds, keep the 2011-2012 and keep a $100,000 Improvement 2 grant. The School District will make about $240,000 if the school board votes to close A.A. Dixon tomorrow.

There is an added bonus, if the School Board, simply votes to put the school on a 90-day probation…and then closes it. The students’ FCAT scores won’t apply to the students’ new schools.

It appears the School District has found a way to profit and not get hit with possibly low FCAT scores during the upcoming election year.