Buzz: TDC not going away

Perdido Key Chamber Chairwoman Alison Davenport doesn’t have to worry about the Tourism Development Commission going way. It was formed by legislative act and can’t be easily dissolved without also doing away with the bed tax that all chambers love.

According to the daily newspaper, Davenport alleged that Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson told her that TDC was going away.

Commissioner Robinson said that he never said that. He did tell Davenport that the the chambers, including Perdido Key and Pensacola, would have to compete for the TDC dollars.

“I never said it,” Robinson told me this morning. “Dissolving the TDC has never been on the table. What we are talking about is how we handle tourism marketing.”

Robinson that there are too many agendas bubbling behind the scenes that he worries may hurt an open discussion of how the county handles its tourism marketing.
