Buzz: Touart and pals do not want a citizen advisory committee on BP millions

There has been a persistent rumor that interim George Touart and his supporters (both on and off the county commission) don’t want to have a citizen advisory committee reviewing how Escambia County spends its estimated $100 million in RESTORE funds. Touart has told several people both in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties that he does not think the committee is needed for Escambia, since staff has found millions in projects.

There is one problem for Mr. Touart and those salivating to get their hands on the millions: The Restore Act requires public input and a multi year implementation plan. Whatever they are cooking up has to be vetted publicly.

Commissioner Wilson Robertson won’t be happy when our paper and the public begin to question their plans. For Mr. Touart, he is about to learn the world has changed over the past five years – since he retired/resigned/was fired. He can’t bully his way through on this.
