Bydlak 2018? 2020?

Rebekah Bydlak garnered 7.8 percent of the vote in the hotly contested August 2016 GOP primary to replace Congressman Jeff Miller. Coming in fourth in the seven-person race hasn’t driven her away from politics.

Bydlak is the executive director of the Coalition to Reduce Spending, which releasely launched the website to track federal spending in real time.

“You can go in and enter your zip code or find a member of Congress by selecting their name, and you can see how much total spending each member has voted for,” she explained to Inweely.

While she said that she thinks Rep. Matt Gaetz, Bydlak did not rule out running again for political office.

“Once you get involved, and you see how much there is to be done, you find it hard to pull yourself away,” said Bydlak. “Who knows what the future holds, but I’m certainly not writing anything off.”
