Rick's Blog

Calling All Volunteers

Though the Panhandle Butterfly House did open on May 24, it is still seeking volunteers from the community.

If you enjoy talking to people, mingling with flowers and butterflies, and sharing educational material, please sign up to take the docent and tour guide butterfly training class on Wednesday June 20 at 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. at the Navarre Library. Hands-on procedures training will continue at the Panhandle Butterfly House from 3:00 -4:30 p.m..  Go to the following email address to sign up for the class.  docents@panhandlebutterflyhouse.org

There are also volunteer opportunities in the Monarch Market gift shop as a sales person.  Please contact: MonarchMarket@panhandlebutterflyhouse.org.

Working in a butterfly garden is a wonderful opportunity to learn the butterfly habitat.  The gardens and maintenance people would welcome willing hands help tend the grounds and facility.  Other opportunities include recruiting, fundraising, newsletter editor, calendar editor, and historian.  If you are interested in helping, please contact:  volunteer@panhandlebutterflyhouse.org

For more information on the Panhandle Butterfly House go to www.panhandlebutterflyhouse.org.

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