Rick's Blog

Can you take ECAT to work?

Escambia County and City of Pensacola governments are fighting over the funding of ECAT transit system.

Go on the ECAT website (ECAT : Escambia County Area Transit ) and see if you find the nearest route from your home or apartment. Check out both the map and the routes. It doesn’t list all the individual stops on a route so there is some guess work.

I live in Gulf Breeze. Can catch a bus near the Bruno’s around 8:35-8:40 am and be dropped off at the Downtown Transfer Center by 8:55 am. In the evening, I would have to leave early – 4:10 pm – and would get home around 4:20 pm.

Assume this route is geared around the housekeeping needs on Pensacola Beach – not those who work 8 am-5 pm jobs or 7am-8pm jobs, like mine.

The last bus to beach from Downtown leaves at 4:10. Last bus from the beach leaves at 4:34 pm.

I realize th ECAT system isn’t geared for GB residents so let me know how it work for Pensacola and Escambia County residents.

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