Cannada-Wynn gave EW Bullock zero

At last week’s Pensacola City Council meeting, Leroy Boyd of Movement for Change and others made a big deal about E.W. Bullock being awarded the marketing contract for Energy Services of Pensacola – even though they came in second (by one point) in the rating process.

There was discussion about an anomaly in the scoring of the presentations where someone gave E.W. Bullock a zero on presentation. A “1” would have tied them with the top scorer – Gold Associates from South Florida. A “2” would made Bullock the top scorer.

We reviewed the evaluation sheets. Council member Jewel Cannada-Wynn is the one that gave EW Bullock no points for their presentation. Usually you get at least a “1” or “2” if you show up.

Bullock got scores on their presentation from the other judges of 5, 3, 4 and 5.

I don’t have a problem if Cannada-Wynn doesn’t want to let a local firm get the contract. If she wants change, then so be it. BUT own up to your scoring in the council meeting. Give the public the reasons for your scoring.

The citizens and your fellow councilmen have a right to understand your position.
