Cantonment Catfish pond

We have gotten a copy of the actual stormwater permit that Roads, Inc. got for the super, duper catfish pond in Cantonment. The permit – issued 3/14/06 – says that the excavation is for a catfish pond. The proposed use of the land will be commercial according to the original development review application, titled “Hillock Drive Catfish Pond.”

We propose to dig a pit, use the material offsite and let the pit fill with water once excavation has ceased. Pit will become a pond to be stocked with fish.

Later the development review application was modified “catfish pond” is crossed out and replaced with “Single Family Residence.” “Dig a pit” is replaced by “construct a lake.” “Let the pit” is also crossed out. Inserted is the word “well” before water. The Second sentence is completely crossed out. Both commercial and residential are checked for type of proposed land use.

Also there is a form 16C-39.014 that has general information for the “Hillock Road Catfish Pond” mine that states mining began Jan. 15, 2006 and that is estimated to last 3 years and 6 months.
