Frank Brown Songwriters Festival donates $18,867 to Larry Butler Award

The University of West Florida celebrated a $18,867 donation to the Larry Butler Memorial Music Award on Thursday, Jan. 28 at the UWF Center for…

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New UWF study finds LEO support for body cameras

A first-of-its-kind study conducted by researchers at the University of West Florida and Florida Atlantic University has found that officer use of body-worn cameras (BWCs)…

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Disney grant helps Pensacola MESS Hall expand outreach

The Pensacola MESS Hall is partnering with Global Learning Academy to plant the seeds of creativity through hands on science activities with T-E-C (Tinker-Explore-Create) Studio….

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Gov. Scott appoints Baker and Cleveland to UWF Board

The News Service of Florida reports these appointments by Gov. Rick Scott: RICHARD BAKER AND DAVID CLEVELAND have been appointed by the university system’s Board…

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Bills would allow Escambia students to transfer to Santa Rosa schools

This story from News Service of Florida came across my desk. The Florida House and Senate have passed bills that would allow students to transfer…

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Historic $5 million given to UWF College of Science and Engineering

The University of West Florida announced its largest gift from a living donor, and UWF has named its College of Science and Engineering in his…

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CyberThon coming this weekend

With a focus on feeding the increasingly high demand for skilled workers in the cybersecurity field, local and regional technology leaders are teaming up for…

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Studers offer $50,000 for best early learning ideas

TO: Escambia County FROM: Quint and Rishy Studer RE: Kindergarten readiness Each year in Escambia County about 1,000 children enter kindergarten unprepared. One out of…

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Black graduation rate improvement more than triple average

Inweekly examined the black student graduation rates for all the Florida counties with at least 500 African-American students in their senior classes for the 2014-15…

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Escambia County graduation improvement nearly double other large counties

The graduation rate improvement from the 2014 class to the 2015 class is unheralded for Escambia County–from 66.1 to 72.7, 6.6 points. The percentage improvement…

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Focus on At-Risk students created jump in graduation rates

Escambia County School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas told the daily newspaper that the district’s focus on its at-risk students was one of the factors that contributed…

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2015 Graduation rates jump up dramatically

The Florida Department of Education released its graduation rates for the 2014-15 school year. They showed a dramatic improvement for Escambia County in the rate…

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