Become a Florida Teacher

College graduates are still looking for jobs that relate to their bachelor’s degree, but theirs is still a way for these young adults to get…

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Miller Snubs Student Loan Bill

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed a bill aiming to keep federal student loan interest rates at the current 3.4 percent. Rep. Jeff Miller…

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Bizarre tale – Guns, WMS and ‘fake’ tutors

All schools in Escambia County are on alert this morning after two men claiming to be tutors were pulled over by the Escambia County Sheriff’s…

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Local teacher a 2013 Macy’s/Florida Department of Education Teacher of the Year Award finalist

Jeffrey Pribble of Escambia High School has been chosen as one of five finalists to compete for the 2013 Macy’s/Florida Department of Education Teacher of…

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Pensacola Rotary Provides Desks for Indian Students

The Rotary Club of Pensacola, with the involvement of organizations in India, has helped to provide 485 new desks to ten government schools located in…

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Occupy Student Loans

The Occupy Wall Street movement will be calling attention to the nation’s mounting student-loan debt tomorrow, designating April 25 as One Trillion Dollar Day to…

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No More Nooses

University of West Florida President Judy Bense took time on Wednesday at a scheduled student forum to address the hate crimes on the campus, specifically…

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Bense appointed to task force

Mayor Ashton Hayward isn’t the only politician that likes advisory boards. The Florida Board of Governors has named University of West Florida President Judith A….

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Libraries Spared

After nearly three hours of discussion this morning supporter of the West Florida Library System have reason to celebrate. Quietly. “We are left cautiously optimistic,”…

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Library ‘Crisis’

According to Bette Hooten, president of the West Florida Library System, the regional collection of libraries are in “crisis mode.” “I cannot tell you how…

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Buzz: UWF reserves less than half of school district

Last week University of West Florida President Judy Bense shared that the school’s reserves are about $30 million. The Escambia County Public School District’s reserves…

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School District failed to look @ alt-fuel initiative

The Escambia County school district rejected the city’s request for it to begin a conversion to natural gas powered buses—something the Leon County system has…

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