Buzz: Thomas creates position for fired EDS principal

There is a buzz in the Escambia County Public School District that Superintendent Malcolm Thomas has created a position – Executive Assistant to the Superintendent…

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Congress: Pizza is a vegetable

Center for Science in the Public Interest Policy Director Margo G. Wootan is upset that Congress wants pizza declared a vegetable in school cafeterias: It’s…

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NWC defends Penn State assistant coach

The National Whistleblowers Center defends people who come forward and point out injustices and crimes where they work. It’s motto is “Honesty without Fear.” NWC…

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Lunch with Malcolm

Tying community-involvement with students to their success in school—and life— Escambia County School District Superintendent Malcolm Thomas challenged people to become actively involved with youth….

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School buzz: Godzilla upset, knife-welding 9yo destroys classroom

School Board member Jeff “Godzilla” Bergosh wants to put another obstacle in front of law enforcement investigating crimes on public school campuses. “I believe the…

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Camelot teachers charged with battery

WEAR TV 3 reports that four moms in Escambia County say their children were abused by their teachers at Camelot Academy, the alternative school run…

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Buzz: School closure, teen mom, knife attack…another week in public schools

Here’s what we’re hearing inside the Escambia County public school system: 1. Superintendent Malcolm Thomas had a closed-door meeting with Lincoln Park Elementary administration and…

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Crossing the Line: Study shows sexually harassment in middle and high school widespread

A study conducted by the American Association of University Women shows 48 percent of 7th to 12th graders experienced sexual harassment in the 2010-2011 school…

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PNJ & United Way host lunch for Malcolm Thomas

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas will be allowed to directly give his “sales pitch” to young voters at luncheon sponsored by United Way, who is recruiting that…

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Buzz: Oops, no report cards today

Technology doesn’t always work as planned. Yesterday, the daily newspaper drove readers to its website when the print edition wasn’t delivered to most places until…

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Possibly bad news for Escambia public schools

Based on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Tests of the past 10 years, we know that Escambia County public schools are dealing with a large percentage…

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UWF salaries online

Gov. Rick Scott has published on his the salaries of all the staff at the state’s public universities. The info is in a huge…

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