Montclair Elementary honored

The Florida Department of Education recognized Montclair Elementary as one of its high performing schools. It improved from a F to an A. Here is…

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Santa Rosa School District slices $21 million from budget

Daily News reports the Santa Rosa County School District is looking at more than $28 million in cuts. The proposed budget puts the district’s overall…

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UWF named among 2011 “Great Colleges to Work For”

Press release: The University of West Florida is one of the best colleges in the nation to work for, according to rankings by The Chronicle…

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Warrington Middle still waiting for turnaround

The daily newspaper has put a positive spin on Warrington Middle School, which has been on the state’s list of schools in danger of being…

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Top 10 Principles for Change Agents

I came across this article through Twitter. It’s by Claude DiDomenica, Co-founder, Columnist and Blogmaster of the website Secretary of Innovation. I thought with change…

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Oops. Camelot failing, too

While the daily newspaper is focusing on the problems with two charter schools, A.A. Dixon and Jacqueline Harris, the Camelot Academy, the middle school that…

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Extortionists call ACLU terrorists

Liberty Counsel is getting paid about $265,000 to leave the Santa Rosa School District alone. It issued today a press release with the title “ACLU’s…

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Escambia accounts for nearly 20 percent of new A schools

According to the press release from the Florida Department of Education, of Florida’s 2,547 graded elementary, middle and non-high-school combination public schools earning “A” through…

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Most improved elementary schools take different paths

The most improved Escambia County elementary schools are Montclair, Weis and Oakcrest. Montclair jumped 155 points, primarily by huge increases in the percentages meeting high…

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Low performing Middle Schools slipping further behind

The three lowest performing middle schools in Escambia County are Bellview (447 pts), Warrington (450 pts) and Woodham (453 pts). All three are C schools…

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Escambia District returns to B status

The Florida Department of Education has issued its school grades and the Escambia District has returned B status. Last year the district had fallen to…

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More students can get out of failing schools

Gov. Rick Scott signed yesterday a bill into law that expands the Opportunity Scholarship program, which allows students to transfer to better-performing public schools. Under…

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