Thomas finds Tate and School District did no wrong

In memorandum from Superintendent Malcolm Thomas to the Escambia School Board members, the superintendent reported that school officials properly reported the alleged sexual assault at…

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Escambia School District needs to hire Eric Smith

Escambia County public schools need a CEO – Chief Education Officer. A great candidate is Eric Smith, the outgoing Florida Secretary of Education. Smith was…

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Buzz: Thomas investigation to blame SRO

Buzz: Superintendent Malcolm Thomas is set to release March 24 the findings of his investigation on how he, his school district administration and Tate High…

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DOE Secretary resigns

Statement from Eric Smith who announced his resignation as the Secretary of the Florida Department of Education: This past weekend, I informed the members of…

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Answers to teacher merit pay questions

Orlando Sentinel put together this Q&A on the merit pay bill that recently passed the Florida Senate. My favorite: Does research show merit-pay plans boost…

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Inside Tate Assault: Superintendent’s quotes

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas has told the daily newspaper that he has started an investigation into the Escambia County School District’s response to an alleged sexual…

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DCF and victims older than 12

I did speak with Department of Children and Families about the reporting of child abuse. DCF generally doesn’t get involved if the victim of child-on-child…

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Behind the scenes: Brownsville school deal

It may be premature to say the $1-million purchase of the closed Brownsville Middle School to George Hawthorne’s Diversity Program Advisors is over, but it’s…

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Inside Tate Assault: Threats continue

The threats against the victim of the sexual assault at Tate High School will be allowed back on campus today, having served her suspension. I…

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Student death at Tate High is reporting that freshman Gabe Carter (age 15), reportedly began experiencing a seizure in a classroom and collapsed. The freshman was transported from the…

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Bergosh defends Tate actions

Escambia School Board member Jeff Bergosh and, according to him, the School District attorney Donna Waters believe Tate High School officials were not legally obligated…

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Inside Tate Assault: Victim threatened

I have had two conversations with people concerning the victim of the sexual assault at Tate High School. The girl is rumored to have a…

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