War on Pensacola’s homeless continues

Occupy Pensacola hasn’t disappeared. The group is still fighting to help the homeless in the city of Pensacola. As the weather turns cooler, many of…

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Officer report on Patel incident tells a different story

Nash Patel and his wife had an incident with Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies on Wednesday night when he reported an alleged burglary at his brother-in-law’s…

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Parade buzz

The city demanded $600 before the engineering dept would work on Pensacola Veterans Parade FDOT permit. Commissioner Lumon May, Sen Greg Evers and Congressman Jeff…

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Commissioner May comes to aid of parade organizers

The daily newspaper has an article on how the volunteers that have organized the Pensacola Veterans Day believe that they have been given the runaround…

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NYT writes airports want local chefs

These articles aren’t hard to find. The New York Times’ “In Transit” reports that a number of airports across the country are opening restaurants from…

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DIB told 900 people attended Palafox Celebration

The Downtown Improvement Board was told yesterday that 900 people attended the joint DIB-City of Pensacola event on Oct. 24 to celebrate that Palafox Street…

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New interim publisher at PNJ and btw their circulation is down to 32,000 during the week.

The daily newspaper reported Carol Hudler, special assistant to U.S. newspaper division president Bob Dickey, and former president of the South Group of community papers,…

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Tea Party candidate loses Alabama congressional run-off

Well the Tea Party lost another House run-off, this time in nearby south Alabama. Bradley Byrne won the GOP primary runoff for the Congressional District…

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Charles Bare files to run for mayor

City Councilman Charles Bare has pre-filed for Mayor of Pensacola in the 2014 Election. Now things are going to get interesting.

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Mayor says city is not broke

At meeting today’s “Morning with the Mayor” session, I asked Mayor Ashton Hayward whether the city was broke. IN: What is the financial status of…

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Chopped, Santa Rosa County version

Taking inspiration from the competitive cooking show “Chopped,” Sodexo is hosting Santa Rosa County School District’s first Chopped Competition. State Rep. Doug Broxson (R-Midway), Sheriff…

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Palafox Market director fired, but the event will continue

In small room in the Rhodes Building, over 30 people attended the Nov. 5 meeting of the Downtown Improvement Board. Many were vendors at the…

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