Patti Reef Deployment Delayed

Deployment of the Joe Patti Memorial Reef has been postponed due to weather conditions. The memorial was scheduled to be sunk in the Gulf of…

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Singing the Drilling-Blues Down at the Library

Environmentalists are at the Pensacola downtown library, waving signs and singing songs. They are protesting an oil company’s request to waive emission standards for a…

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Buzz: Nelson has best chance to beat Scott

U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (D) is seen by many around the state as having the best chance of defeating Gov. Rick Scott next year. Nelson…

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What is going on with old Escambia County courthouse?

As with so many things in county government these days, no one knows for sure what is happening the space in old county courthouse that…

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Oops, somebody forgot to tell Artel they could be evicted for sports museum

Dear Artel Member/Supporter, Some of you may have read the Pensacola News Journal article about the possibility of a sports museum moving into our space…

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Where ECUA gives Pensacola its enema

Apparently it’s at B and Garden streets. We always thought it was 222 W Main Street.

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Game Changer on WSRE

Press Release: Thursday, June 27 at 7:30 p.m. on WSRE, “Conversations with Jeff Weeks” welcomes Dr. Temple Grandin and Anita Lesko to discuss the Autism…

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What to do with abandoned school sites

By Brandy Volovecky The City of Pensacola held a community input meeting Monday evening to discuss reuse plans for the former Blount and Kirksey school…

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GOB Report: Touart brings back Mayo from retirement. He was paid $200K by taxpayers to retire early (update from Touart)

Interim County Administrator George Touart has brought back Don Mayo to run the county’s inspection department. Don Mayo was part of the former administrator Bob…

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Rick Scott speaking at local GOP Lincoln Dinner

Press Release: The Escambia County Republican Party welcomes Governor Rick Scott as featured speaker at its 2013 Lincoln Day Dinner scheduled for Sunday, July 7,…

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Local EPA Hearing on Gulf Drilling Permit

The Environmental Protection Agency has scheduled a public hearing on BHP Billiton Petroleum’s request to waive current emission regulations in pursuit of oil and natural…

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Escambia County’s selection committee for the county administrator position meets for the first time today. The committee was formed by the Escambia County Commission, with…

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