Viewpoint: 33-percent vs 14-percent is a No Brainer: Vote No!

By Pensacola City Councilman Charles Bare It is no surprise to me that the local newspaper is pushing for the elimination of the two at-large…

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Listen Local at Maritime Park

city press release: The City of Pensacola’s Neighborhood Services Department announced this afternoon the FREE “Listen Local” benefit concert series, featuring talented local musicians from…

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Union official says Valentino may need remove himself from DOJ negotiations

Alan Miller is incensed. The senior vice president of Northwest Chapter of Police Benevolent Association, and who recently retired after working at the Escambia County…

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Valentino attacks detention deputies in WEAR interview

Escambia Commissioner Gene Valentino has gotten off his negotiations with Sheriff David Morgan on the county’s response to the U.S. Department of Justice’s findings of…

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Inside DOJ report on Escambia County Jail

The cover story for the May 30 issue covers why the U.S. Department of Justice investigated the Escambia County Jail. It’s story that some would…

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Green-Up Begins Annual Crepe Myrtle Sale

Green-Up Santa Rosa, the non-profit nursery located at 6758 Park Ave in Milton, will begin it’s 18th Annual Crepe Myrtle Sale on Friday, May 31….

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Baldwin County does not want Escambia County, Fl garbage

Baldwin County commission chairman Tucker Dorsey is speaking to the Escambia County at its special meeting today. He is telling the commissioners that they don’t…

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Fiesta Boat Parade, DeLuna Landing and Beach Bash Set Sail June 1

Press Release: The Fiesta of Five Flags Centennial Imports Boat Parade sets sail from the Pensacola Yacht Club at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 1….

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Has Touart hired jail director that killed Robert Boggon?

The buzz we are hearing out of the county complex is that Interim County Administrator George Touart plans to fight the Department of Justice findings…

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Hayward Hosting District 2 Town Hall

city press release: Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward will continue his popular series of “Taking City Hall to the Citizens” town hall meetings with a meeting…

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RESTORE Council Coming to Town

The Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council recently released an initial draft of the Comprehensive Plan: Restoring the Gulf Coast’s Ecosystem and Economy, along with a…

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Fighting for Justice

This week the U.S. Department of Justice issued its findings on the Escambia County Jail. It gave the county 49 days to come up with…

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