Buzz: White drops out of House District 2 race

We have heard that Frank White met with Ed Gray today and has decided to drop out of the House District 2 and will support…

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350 Planning Session

350 Pensacola, a local environmental organization, is putting out a call for new members. Interested persons are encouraged to attend a planning meeting this Saturday,…

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Perception ain’t reality

During the early days of his administration, Mayor Ashton Hayward was fond of proclaiming, “Perception is reality.” Unfortunately, perception is only reality until reality comes…

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Marrero will stay as artistic director of Pensacola Opera

Pensacola Opera’s Artistic Director of 13 years, Dr. Kyle Marrero, has been named president of University of West Georgia. Dr. Marrero’s presidency of the Georgia…

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Four Candidates in GOP race to replace Ford

The slots are filling up quickly in the Republican primary for the special election for House District 2: George Scarborough says he is ready to…

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Pensacola Airport Bonds crashing? Outlook negative (update)

Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services has revised the outlook on Pensacola International Airport revenue bonds to negative from stable. S&P said the outlook revision “reflects…

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Perdido Snorkeling Reef

Escambia County officials intend to construct another snorkeling reef, this one in the Gulf of Mexico, off of Perdido Key. Here’s the press release: Escambia…

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Racism of today is very different

Quote of the Day: “Times are changing, demographics are changing and cultural fear and xenophobia are driving public policy in this country and we cannot…

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In 2007, only 6872 people voted in special House election primary

Clay Ford beat George Scarborough by 402 votes– of which 328 votes where from Gulf Breeze area–in the GOP primary in 2007 to fill the…

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Bare: Representative Democracy and the YMCA

From Councilman Charles Bare:I have taken a break from posting about the YMCA issue. Since March 20th, I have watched the process evolve and seen…

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One voice missing in YMCA/CMPA debate

Other than a three-sentence email to the Pensacola City Council, Mayor Ashton Hayward has been noticeably absent from the debate over how to fix the…

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Commercial Developer offers opinion on YMCA and CMP

From Joseph Buehler, owner of J.G. Buehler & Company, Inc., and an unsuccessful candidate for Pensacola City Council in 2008: I attended the CMPA meeting…

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