Did Gov. Scott knowingly exaggerate Obamacare costs

The Miami Heralds’ Naked Politics Blog is reporting that Gov. Rick Scott may have knowingly overstated the impact of the Affordable Care Act on the…

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Library Focus Groups

Escambia County press release: The West Florida Public Library System is looking for individuals interested in participating in focus groups to help shape the future…

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Rubio explains why he voted against fiscal cliff deal. Fails to mention because he wants to be prez

I got his email from U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL): Rick, The federal government has a spending problem. Simple math shows it to be the…

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Miller is only FL Congressman with a chairmanship. FL shunned by Boehner and crew

With the exception of our Congressman Jeff Miller (R-Chumuckla), Florida’s 27-member House delegation was shut out of chairmanships of any of the 21 permanent committees…

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Hobby Lobby employee touts generous pay and benefits

The Daily Beast reported last Friday that national retailer Hobby Lobby became the largest corporation to defy new Affordable Care Act regulations, after the Oklahoma-based…

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Alfresco food court to open first food trailer in February

Alfresco’s, the food court on the corner of Palafox and Main streets, is close to opening, at least partially. Two Airstream trailers are being placed…

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Teacher quits, refuses to create generation of test takers (video)

Fifteen-year veteran elementary teacher says “I quit”. Parents need to know what is being done to their children – and it’s not the teacher’s fault!…

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State lawmakers have three bills to ban texting while driving. Ford sponsors one of them

Three on the most popular bill in front of the Florida Legislature, according to the website Florida Current, concern the banning people from texting while…

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Must-see: 60 Minutes covers Times-Picayune tonight

Mor­ley Safer reports tonight on the New Orleans’ daily newspaper, Times-Picayune, reduc­ing its print version to three days a week. It should be good. –…

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Pick Your All-NYC basketball team

New York City has had some of the best high school basketball players in the nation. The NY Times lets you pick your all-star team….

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Another Escambia County Claim to Shame: Child Deaths

The Statewide Child Abuse Death Review Committee has released its annual report. Escambia County is one of the worst in the state with 100 total…

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Another Tea Party failure: Boehner still Speaker. Darn, the angry, old white coalition is losing power

For the last couple days, the Tea Party has been bragging that it had the votes to unseat Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) as the Speaker…

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