Blog nominated for 2012 Netroots Award

By far the best independent blog in the state of Florida is the Peter Schorsch has his finger on the pulse of the state’s…

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Robertson wins recount

The Escambia County Canvassing Board has completed the machine recount for the District #1 County Commission race and certified the Primary Election today. The final…

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Still Finding BP’s Oil

As officials begin to consider how they might spend eventual RESTORE Act money, the impact of BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico…

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Council to Hear ReGrid Findings

Over the course of the summer, the city of Pensacola and the West Florida Regional Planning Council held a series of public workshops concerning the…

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Ryan drove Weinermobile

The Wisconsin Reporter has a profile on Romney’s running mate and his hometown, Janesville, Wisc. Congressman Paul Ryan was a prom king and junior class…

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Army Suicides are up

A year agp, I wrote about the alarming rate of suicides among our military – “When Yellow Ribbons Aren’t Enough.” The problem hasn’t gone away….

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4th Cent Tally

The Escambia County Commission divvied up more than $1.5 million between area organizations earlier this week. The money stems from the fourth cent of the…

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I LOVE Science Needs Volunteers

Press Release: I LOVE Science is looking for volunteers interested in leading monthly, one-hour hands-on science activities in fifth-grade classrooms during the 2012-2013 school year….

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Florida Voices picks up another column

The statewide opinion services. Florida Voices, picked up my Outtakes column that I wrote about the issues in the poor neighborhoods are than just bad…

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Segments on Opinion WSJ Live

These are the two segments with Mary Kissel on Wall St. Journal (WSJ) TV. It took awhile for me to hit my stride…and yes, my…

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Studer Deal Hinges on Parking, CMPA Deficit

With other details hammered out, the lease deal between Quint Studer, the Community Maritime Park Associates and the city of Pensacola apparently hinges on parking…

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Pensacola housing market continues to improve reports today that the July 2012 real estate search results are in and Pensacola, FL was the #112 most searched market in the country…

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