Jerralds vs. Hawthorne, Round Two

The Gulf Coast African-American Chamber of Commerce will be the subject of an upcoming community meeting. Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds said last week that…

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International Paper Gives Back

The Escambia County Public Schools Foundation has received a grant from International Paper Foundation. Janice Cooper Holmes, communications manager at International Paper, presented Jennifer Passeretti,…

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Climate Impact Day

Local environmentalists will gather downtown this Saturday to take part in the planet-wide Climate Impacts Day. According to a press release issued by 350 Pensacola—a…

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Vets protest possible U.S. attack on Iran

Press Release: VETERANS AND FRIENDS TO DEMONSTRATE OPPOSITION TO ATTACKING IRAN Veterans for Peace, Northwest Florida invites the public to show opposition to any military…

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Teen Driver Challenge May 11-12

Press Release -The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office will present a two day Teen Driver Challenge May 11-12, 2012. The Teen Driver Challenge, which is supported…

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Blind Chinese Activist Under US Protection – Activists appeal to Obama Administration

Chen Guangcheng, who has exposed forced abortions and sterilizations in villages as a result of China’s one-child policy, escaped house arrest in his Chinese village…

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For whom the Marine Bell tolls

Press Release: Marine Memorial Bell to Arrive in Pensacola on Saturday (April 27, 2012) Following a bell casting ceremony on Thursday in Cincinnati, the memorial…

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This quote could apply to us

NY Times QUOTATION OF THE DAY “Our streets are bleeding, and they’re bleeding profusely.” CHARLES H. RAMSEY, the police commissioner of Philadelphia, at a meeting…

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Letter to Editor: Someone upset about NRA Outtakes

Rick, I was disappointed to see that apparently your rag doesn’t publish letters to the editor, cuz I was hoping I could publicly expose your…

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Wood heads to Chattanooga

From Charles Wood, former Pensacola VP for Economic Development: Dear friends, I wanted to send out a thank you as well as let you know…

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Oops, gas is cheaper than last year and 2008 (Bush’s final year)

In 2008, gasoline peaked mid-July at $4.12. I don’t remember Fox News or the GOP blaming then-Pres. George W. Bush. I write about it, but…

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FL Supreme Court approves redistricting plan

From State Sen. Don Gaetz: Just a few moments ago the Florida Supreme Court approved the amended Senate redistricting plan as submitted by the Legislature….

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