Bargain Basement BP-Boom

Still searching for Christmas gifts? How about 3,000 feet of hard boom left over from the 2010 oil spill? The City of Orange Beach, Ala.,…

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ECAT union asks for info

Dear Ms. Lovoy (Escambia County budget director), I see that on the agenda for this Thursday, November 8th, 2011 that the “Request for Qualification for…

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Hayward passes out $750 bonus to employees

Yesterday, this message was sent to all the City of Pensacola employees: MESSAGE TO EMPLOYEES December 5, 2011 Re: City Employee Appreciation Ladies and Gentlemen,…

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Buzz: Studers to make big announcement

The word I received late yesterday is the Quint and Rishy Studer will be making a big announcement today that will further increase their investment…

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Exclusive: Bob Cole’s financial troubles popped up two years ago

The financial troubles of Santa Rosa County Commissioner Bob Cole surfaced more than two years ago, according to a law enforcement reports obtained by the…

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Escambia High School Launches Flight Academy

Tucked between rows of bright blue lockers are the doors to the NFA-ACE Flight Academy in Escambia High School. Once you walk through the doors,…

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Clean Economy Roadshow coming

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and Gil Sperling, Senior Advisor for the U.S. Department of Energy, will join business and community leaders in Pensacola this Wednesday,…

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Evil vs. Evil

BP is accusing Halliburton of destroying evidence which could show the company shares the blame for the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico….

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Buzz: Riggleman and Reds executives coming to P’cola

We are hearing that the Wahoos are planning a big press conference this week, presumably to announce the naming of Jim Riggleman as the manager….

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TEAM Santa Rosa to get contract extension

A FBI raid and federal grand jury haven’t dissuaded the Santa Rosa County Commission from extending the contract with TEAM Santa Rosa to handle the…

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Chavers withdraws from sheriff’s race

William (Bill) Chavers, NPA, (former Chief Deputy for Sheriff David Morgan) withdrew today from the Escambia County Sheriff’s race for the 2012 General Election, according…

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Numbers Are In: 2011 A Record Year For Tourism

Maybe the Chamber should give the head of tourism a raise. Oh yeah, they fired him. Press Release: Lodging revenues collected in fiscal 2011 on…

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