Occupy upsets Arms of Justice

Email that we received this morning: For your information, below is an email I sent to Occupy Pensacola last week: ******************************** November 23, 2011, 10:57…

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Three innovative ideas to improve public education

A recent report from the Hamilton Project at the Brookings Institution examines three school organization reforms that may yield positive results but have not captured…

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Thomas changing mind on Lincoln Park

According to today’s daily newspaper, School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas have had a a change of heart on his proposed closing of Lincoln Park Elementary. Faculty,…

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Fox News makes you dumber. Best not to watch it at all.

The results of a new poll by Fairleigh Dickinson show that Sunday morning news shows do the most to help people learn about current events,…

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Draft minutes of Sept. 19 CRA meeting released

City Administrator Bill Reynolds,as per our public record request, sent the Independent News the draft minutes of the Sept. 19 board meeting of the City…

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Occupy:City Tightens Up Security at City Hall

I drove by City Hall this morning and saw a handful of stalwart Occupiers huddled together under a few blue tarps at the corner of…

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St. Pete city council has similar problems

The St. Petersburg City Council has trouble dealing with the Pinellas County Commission. The Commissioners won’t rein in its adminstrator, even though they say privately…

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Gingrich gets major NH endorsement

New Hampshire’s largest newspaper endorsed Newt Gingrich in the Republican presidential race on Sunday, giving the former House speaker a boost in a state where…

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Chair fails to put minutes approval on CRA agenda

I was reviewing the agenda for tomorrow’s meeting of the City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency ( CRA112811mtg-1). The chairman, Councilwoman Megan Pratt, has failed…

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Raw: “Elephant Trunk” tornado

Ben Holcolm shot this “elephant trunk” tornado in Oklahoma Saturday. The tornado was spotted in Grant County, Oklahoma near the town of Wakita. Part of…

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Name for Pratt and Bray’s actions

The hiring and payment of an attorney without the approval of the board of the City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency is an ultra vires…

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CRA Damage Control: CRA attorney reaches out to his ‘clients’

The person that Councilwoman Megan Pratt hired to be the attorney for the City of Pensacola Community Redevelopment Agency has emailed all the CRA board…

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