Feeding Occupy Pensacola

OP Press Release: Everybody’s Kitchen Bus Joins Occupy Pensacola Pensacola, Fla. Nov. 26 2011 – Occupy Pensacola is now receiving support from Everybody’s Kitchen Bus…

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Waffle House Makes the Times

            Apparently, there has been enough dramatic things happening at Waffle Houses that even the New York Times got smothered…

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Well… at least he wasn’t going to Australia

A passenger stood for the length of his US Airways flight after a fellow passenger occupied half of his seat. The non-stop flight from Anchorage…

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Bachmann Campaign in 100 Seconds

Whatever happened to…

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Sandusky Accusers Plan to Sue His Charity

Eleven of Jerry Sandusky’s alleged victims plan to sue the former Penn State assistant football coach’s charity, the Second Mile, their attorneys said on Friday….

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Sarcasm – Key to Problem Solving

Smithsonian Magazine reports that studies show that sarcasm enhances problem solving. An inability to understand it can be an early warning sign of brain disease,…

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Buzz: Pratt and/or Bray could be on the hook for CRA atty fees

I’ve made some calls to people familiar with Community Redevelopment Agencies and trust funds. What I’ve been told is that without a board approving the…

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Shop Locally on “Small Business Saturday”

There is Black Friday (or Thursday night in some cases) and internet merchants  countered with Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving, as their alternative.  Now…

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What was the Sept. 19 CRA motion?

Though the Pensacola City Council and the Community Redevelopment Agency are, by their own rules, to follow Robert’s Rules of Order, rarely does it really…

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Wall St. Journal won’t retract false column

Columbia Journalism Review reports that 18 months ago, George Mason University economics professor Daniel B. Klein wrote a column about his finding that liberals scored…

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The IMDB Top 250

This listing of the top 250 films of all time (as determined by viewer rating) sparked much after Thanksgiving meal discussion in our house. READ…

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Thanksgiving Day marathons (my wish list)

It’s time the cable channels have some better marathons. Here’s my top 10 list of TV marathons I would like to see: 10. Hill Street…

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