Occupy and Dems march on Rubio tomorrow

From Santa Rosa Democrats: Occupy Pensacola Rally & March The Occupy Wall Street protests have become an international revolt by the working and middle class…

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Florida could be litmus test for Health Care Reform

Florida has a regulation requiring insurance companies to spend at least 80 percent of premiums on medical costs. Could this upend efforts to implement health-care…

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Occupy Pensacola complains of meeting ambush

OP Press Release, November 15, 2011 – Representatives from Occupy Pensacola will be meeting with city officials to discuss the status of Occupy Pensacola’s future…

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Downtown Parking: No Walk in the Park

The Parking and Traffic Committee of the Downtown Improvement Board met today at 4:30 p.m. Not much was resolved, but tensions rose when the committee…

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The Fading Fingerprint

Now that BP and the state of Florida agree that the beaches are pretty much “clean,” officials will need to prove that new tar balls…

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Large Majority of Consumers Support Stronger Fuel Economy Standards to Save Money, Lower Fuel Costs

Consumer Reports: Over Three-Fourths Say Government Should Increase, Enforce Higher Standards An overwhelming majority of consumers believe that fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks should…

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Lunch with Malcolm

Tying community-involvement with students to their success in school—and life— Escambia County School District Superintendent Malcolm Thomas challenged people to become actively involved with youth….

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Gulf Power admits nuclear plant is possibility

Gulf Power spokesman Jeff Rogers told Sunshine Slate that the company is considering a nuclear power plant in the north part of Escambia County: “When…

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Nomination Breakdown

Nominations are in for Pensacola City Council’s next leadership. Council members have thrown each other’s names into a hat and will choose a new president…

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The Man’s Big Brother

Kids that stay out too late may soon have to answer to their parents and Big Brother. Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds seemed nearly giddy…

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Buzz: Little political support for curfew

Pensacola City Councilman John Jerralds has been pushing for a teen curfew since last spring. After nearly six months of preaching its virtues, Jerralds has…

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School buzz: Godzilla upset, knife-welding 9yo destroys classroom

School Board member Jeff “Godzilla” Bergosh wants to put another obstacle in front of law enforcement investigating crimes on public school campuses. “I believe the…

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