Batman works on his Batman voice

He needs a little work (some profanity): See all the CollegeHumor Original Videos here.

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Parents struggle with how Air Force treated son’s remains

A mother and father deal with how their son’s body was treated at Dover Air Force Base. Their son, Sgt. Daniel M. Angus, 28, married…

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2012 Hangout Fest tickets on sale -$159

“Early bird” 3-day passes for the Hangout Music Fest 2012 will go on sale Friday, Nov. 18, for $159, according to the website of the…

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Cain allegations surface local sexual harassment memories

Since several women have come forward with allegations that GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain sexually harassed them, I’ve received several emails and phone calls from…

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Cain adds Anita Hill joke to comedy routine

It’s embarrassing what the GOP presidential field has become: Perry, Bachmann and Cain are jokes and totally unfit to hold the job. Mitt Romney and…

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BP: Drowning in Oil

I have repeatedly written about how BP is a serial polluter whose corporate culture places profits over people’s lives and the environment (Read Outtakes: No…

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Mom says son lived in fear of Sandusky

The mother of one of the alleged victims of Penn State assistant coach Jerry Sandusky (who reportedly is about 6’5″) said Friday that her son…

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Why Penn State students rioted over Paterno firing

The Penn State student body has been the target of national outrage after students angrily protested the firing of disgraced college football coach Joe Paterno….

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Former Escambia Co. watchdog may get another call

Orlando Sentinel reports that Jim Moye may get the call to replace that region’s embattled toll agency director, at least on an interim basis. Moye…

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Perry goes into Oops damage control

Texas Gov. Rick Perry is doing everything in his power to save his presidential campaign after his disastrous “oops” moment during Wednesday night’s debate. Having…

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Seals were not on a “kill mission”

According to a book to be released this week, Osama Bin Laden was killed within 90 seconds of the US Navy Seals landing in his…

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11-11-11: The date that brings out the crazy in people

Maxim magazine editor in chief Joe Levy takes a look at the once in a lifetime calendar coincidence. Source: CBS

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