Occupy: ‘Saboteurs Vandalize City Hall’

Press Release: Last night there was an act of vandalism to the parking meters surrounding City Hall. The clear plastic on the meters was blacked…

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Movie Buzz

The Muppets Don’t be embarrassed, it’s okay to get excited when Kermit the Frog is on the big screen. Jason Segal and Amy Adams star…

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Buzz: GB can’t sell natural gas to beach

The City of Gulf Breeze is building a natural gas distribution line to Pensacola Beach. There is only one problem Energy Services of Pensacola has…

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Obama, Romney Tied In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,

FLORIDA: Obama 42 – Romney 45 OHIO: Obama 45 – Romney 42 PENNSYLVANIA: Obama 44 – Romney 43 One year before the presidential election, President…

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Buzz: Did Sandusky pimp boys to donors?

Earlier this morning, Mark Madden dropped a bomb of a rumor about the Jerry Sandusky scandal that, if you can believe it, would make an…

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MLB catcher kidnapped

Washington Nationals catcher Wilson Ramos appears to have been kidnapped while visiting his native Venezuela. It is interesting to note that most of our major…

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Homeland Security meets goal on hiring veterans

Press Release: Given the vital role veterans play in advancing the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) mission, Secretary Napolitano set a goal to have 50,000…

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Not the best defense for Herman Cain (video)

“For every woman who says I harassed them, “thousands” say I didn’t.” -Herman Cain

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Camelot teachers charged with battery

WEAR TV 3 reports that four moms in Escambia County say their children were abused by their teachers at Camelot Academy, the alternative school run…

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FRLA letter to TDC

Yesterday hotelier Julian MacQueen sent the following letter to Jim Hizer, CEO of the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce. In his cover email to…

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Some stories go on forever

Like Wilson Robertson appearing above the fold in the Daily Paper or last weekend’s SWAT situation… I know it’s stupid and you are sick of…

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Uh… is this mic on? Take 2

Obama Taxes Christmas. And everyone in Whoville is really upset. How come his people didn’t see that one coming? Read more.

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