TGIF: Google tricks

It’s Friday! Blow off work and play Google games all afternoon. Try Google’s latest coding stunt, which you can see by typing “do a barrel…

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Corporate Tax Dodgers

Twenty-five years ago, President Ronald Reagan, horrified by corporate tax dodging, closed corporate tax loopholes with the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Since then, things…

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Shakes benefit set for Nov. 19

Press Release: Following up on a successful season of Twelfth Night, Pensacola Shakespeare Theatre is thrilled to once again bring you great theatre with great…

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Union Occupies County Chambers

by Jeremy Morrison It’s an interesting mix: the union and Occupiers. While their messages may dovetail, the group’s styles vary wildly. “Let’s hope it doesn’t…

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PNJ & United Way host lunch for Malcolm Thomas

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas will be allowed to directly give his “sales pitch” to young voters at luncheon sponsored by United Way, who is recruiting that…

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ESPN looks at Trent Richardson

Trent Richardson’s work ethic doesn’t come from a narcissistic quest to win individual awards and accolades. He is determined that his two young daughters won’t…

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Buzz: Attorney General hasn’t been asked to investigate Wilson Robertson

The IN contacted the Attorney General Pam Bondi’s office yesterday about Commissioner Wilson Robertson’s motion that State Attorney General investigate Wilson and the hiring of…

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Don’t call it Deportation – Call it a Mexican vacation

An American man who claimed to be an illegal immigrant from Mexico to avoid going to prison is now wanted by police after he returned…

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BP produces Pensacola Tourism video

BP website: While most people think about the beach when they talk about Pensacola, the area has more than gorgeous white sand beaches to offer…

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Pick a Bowl for Manna

Pick a Bowl for Manna, will take place on Friday, Nov 11, 6-9 p.m. at Pensacola State College’s Anna Lamar Switzer Visual Arts Center on…

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LWV: The Role of Federal Government in Funding Education

Press Release: The League of Women Voters General Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 19 at the Lucia Tryon Library, 1200 Langley Ave. Coffee…

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5K honors Slain Sailor

The Center for Information Dominance (CID) Corry Station is hosting a 5K memorial run Nov. 5 at 7:30 a.m. on board Naval Air Station (NAS)…

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