Santa Rosa County gets more competitive for jobs

Santa Rosa County commissioners last week approved a revision to its incentive program to attract jobs to their county. TEAM Santa Rosa can now offer…

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Press Register lauds State intervention in Nodine case

The Editorial Board of the Mobile Press Register is glad to see Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange take of the prosecution of former Mobile Commissioner…

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Buzz: Oops, no report cards today

Technology doesn’t always work as planned. Yesterday, the daily newspaper drove readers to its website when the print edition wasn’t delivered to most places until…

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Construction jobs suck, too

The Pensacola area lost 600 construction jobs over the past 12 months, according to a new report. Construction employment declined in 153 out of 337…

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Pensacola isn’t a great area for local retailers

Civic Economics and the American Booksellers Association have released their annual Indie City Index, a ranking of every Metropolitan Area in the United States based…

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OP speaks out on Council vote

Press Release: After hours upon hours of Occupy members holding the City Council over time by filling the stack of the public forum, the counsel…

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City Council passes resolution in favor of tent city

The Pensacola City Council passed a resolution tonight in favor of Occupy Pensacola erecting tents and living in them for the next two weeks. Mayor…

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Occupy Showdown at City Council Meeting

Mayor Ashton Hayward’s office sent out the following press release a few minutes ago: Hayward to Occupiers: No More Tent Cities Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward…

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Yaz Ad Mocks Users

In 2008, Bayer reached a settlement with the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to spend $20 million in advertising to correct the ads for its…

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Occupy Pensacola to March to City Hall

OP Press Release – Oct. 26: Occupy Pensacola’s march from Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Plaza to City Hall on Friday, Oct 28 at 5…

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Rubios came to America for same reasons most do-jobs

The Miami Herald and St. Pete Times have done more digging into U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio’s parents and their immigration to the U.S. The Washington…

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Giant Lego washes up on beach, no ties to DeLuna Fest

An 8-foot-tall Lego-man washed up Tuesday morning on Siesta Key, Florida beach. On his chest are the words “NO REAL THAN YOU ARE.” So far,…

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