Florida bouncing back, Pensacola seen as expanding market

Wells Fargo sees Pensacola as an expanding market as the Florida bounces back. Overall employment in the Sunshine State’s leisure and hospitality industry is up…

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Time to look at Tourism

Before the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce hires a new VP of Tourism, the Escambia Board of County Commissioners needs to look at how…

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How GOP Crippled Our Postal Service

The last great union for government employees is the U.S. Postal Service. For 44 cents, you can have a letter delivered to anyone in the…

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Schroeder out, Scruggs in

Press Release: Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce announces former business executive, Terry Scruggs, as interim vice president of tourism. Ed Schroeder, former vice president…

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If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball

Press Release: The Pelicans Training Academy will start its first Adult Dodgeball League this fall. The league’s regular season begins on October 4th and runs…

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Gulf Coast Restoration says report points out BP grossly negligent

Press Release: The joint investigation identified numerous, significant decisions by BP that directly led to the BP drilling disaster, the impacts of which are still…

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Sheriff’s Office looks for leads on 1975 cold case: Reynold homicide

Thirty-six years ago, on the Sunday morning of September 14, 1975 the body of forty-two year old black male Walter McReynold was found in his…

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Federal panel blames BP and contractors for rig explosion

The Joint Investigation Team of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement (“BOEMRE”) (formerly the Minerals Management Service or “MMS”) and the United…

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Independent auditor of BP claims coming

Attorney General Eric Holder asked Ken Feinberg, head of Gulf Coast Claims Facility, to hire an independent auditor to review the claims process. Feinberg agreed,…

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Romney and the dog on the car roof

PolitiFact tracks down the truth about GOP presidential Mitt Romney and NYT columnist Gail Collins’ story of how Romney drove his family to Canada with…

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Florida city votes to drop its pensions

The City of Pensacola pays nearly $13 million annually for its general, fire and police pensions. Imagine what the City could do with that money….

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Wooden bridges for red-headed stepchild

North Escambia is the county’s red-headed stepchild. Few people realize that when they drive to the University of West Florida campus that they have reached…

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