Latest Maritime Park photos

Here are the latest photos from the Maritime Park:

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Just in time for the oil sheen, BP has a new ad

Press Release: BP has launched a new series of ads designed to promote tourism along the Gulf Coast. The ads feature spokespersons from Louisiana, Mississippi,…

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Economics Club takes a shift far right

Gulf Coast Economics Club brings in policy advisor, Christian Camara, from right-wing Heartland Institute, which has been backed by the Koch Brothers. The Heartland Institute…

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Cronimet to invest $5 million in Pensacola area

Press Release: The Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce announces the addition of Cronimet Corporation to the Pensacola Bay Area. Cronimet plans to add fifteen…

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Who lays pipe the best?

Though the industry sometimes touts natural gas drilling as dominated by small businesses, the 10 largest drillers account for one-third of all domestic production. ProPublica…

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Mediacom still without Fox 10

And nobody seems to care. Unlike the WEAR TV 3 negotiations with cable company that serves most of Santa Rosa County, no one appears to…

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Saenger brings back movies

Press Release: The Saenger Theatre will sponsor a free showing of the movie and musical comedy “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the…

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Blog has record month

We had 27,139 unique visitors. Total visitors (excluding traffic generated by robots) 96,600. Page views 472, 955. Our bounce rate is 6.3 percent. If you…

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Downtown moratorium

Tattoo parlors, restaurant chain cannibals, what’s next? Maybe somebody will bring back the Red Garter. For all its parking tickets, the Downtown Improvement Board and…

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Seahawk Doug Baldwin credits PNJ publisher

The Kitsap Sun credits PNJ Publisher Kevin Doyle and former Buffalo Bills’ head coach Kay Stephenson for GBHS grad Doug Baldwin’s scholarship to Stafford and…

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Gulf seabed: ‘Slimy, Soupy Mess” (video)

CNN International interviewed Dr. Samantha (Mandy) Joye who is part of a group of scientists from Georgia and Florida that are studying the sea-floor in…

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Buzz: Mayor creates Pensacola challenge coin

Mayor Ashton Hayward now carries a challenge coin bearing the seal of the City of Pensacola. For a military town like Pensacola that are fitting….

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