Council CAO could make more than entire council

The Pensacola City Council’s salary is $14K a year. The entire council salaries equal $126,000. The proposed city council administrator could cost $130K—not including health…

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Workshop: Council CAO could cost big bucks

The proposed administrator for the Pensacola City Council —not the City CAO as established by the charter—appears to have been narrowed to two candidates. The…

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Murdoch/News Corp whistleblower found dead

The Guardian reports Sean Hoare, the former News of the World showbusiness reporter who was the first named journalist to allege that Andy Coulson was…

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Court upholds $28M Tobacco judgment

The Florida Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a jury’s order that the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co pay nearly $30 million to a woman whose husband…

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BP another spill, more charges of recklessness

This Week has an article on the latest BP spill in Alaska. I love this quote: “You’d think that by now,” says Steve Gelsi in…

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Tomlinson convicted

State Attorney Bill Eddins announced that on July 19, 2011, John Tomlinson, a former Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office Lieutenant, was convicted by a Santa…

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Viewpoint: When conflict gets impersonally personal

By Tom H. Hastings In the field of conflict resolution we define a consensual conflict as one that is conducted about some division of the…

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Warrington Middle still waiting for turnaround

The daily newspaper has put a positive spin on Warrington Middle School, which has been on the state’s list of schools in danger of being…

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Charter Commission did not see need for council atty or staff

I got a hold of Charter Review Commission chair Crystal Spencer last night while she was the road to Nashville for a meeting with a…

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Pratt defends her at-large seat

Pensacola City Council member Megan Pratt has posted on her blog a defense for the at-large seats. As I reported earlier on this blog and…

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Simple plan balloons to WCAO

In February 2011, the Pensacola City Council president first proposed a council staff person. His/her duties would include: 1. Refer information requests to Departments within…

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City Workshop Agenda Online

The agenda for the Wednesday, July 20 special workshop of the Pensacola City Council is now available online. According to the agenda, the meeting will…

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