Final RadioLive Concert

The day the music dies – June 2, 2011. Press Release: Despite a valiant effort from friends and fans of RadioLive to keep the program…

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Buzz: NorthEscambia shows Patel-Rocker connection

William Reynolds has covered the proposed electric car plant that was supposedly headed to Century? Patel was behind that and cut Rocker in financially on…

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BP asks judge to dismiss investors’ claims

Bloomberg: BP asked a judge to throw out investor claims that management downplayed safety risks before and after its Macondo oil well blew out in…

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Help Favor House

Press Release: FavorHouse of Northwest Florida will host its annual White Rose Luncheon Thursday, May 12th, at 11:00 AM at Sanders Beach-Corrine Jones Community Center,…

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Osama Bin Laden roundup

New York Times: While Osama bin Laden’s world had shrunk, he was still revered at home — by his wives, children and by the tight…

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Navy SEALs began at Ft. Pierce

“If you have the respect and admiration of your teammates, that’s what matters. None of them are there for glory. They operate in the dark…

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Top 30 Websites

Which sites had the most unique visitors in March? Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo and Wikipedia. March 2011 Source: comScore Media Metrix Measures: Total Unique Visitors…

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Kudos to PATS kids

Email from a reader: Kudo’s to the PATS students who recently competed in Odyssey of the Mind in Orlando and received awards for their efforts!…

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Buzz: Rocker got Patel UWF spot

The power broker for appointments from Gov. Rick Scott isn’t Jim Reeves, Lewis Bear, Collier Merrill, Garrett Walton or even Clay Ford. It’s Art Rocker,…

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100 Pieces of Advice from Movies

From Instructing us on how to see ourselves and the world around us, screenwriters have been acting as unappreciated and extremely helpful friends for…

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Do Pensacola City Council rules conflict with charter?

While the City Councils Rules & Procedures state that the Council President and Mayor will collaborate on council agenda, the mayor has no power to…

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Charleston’s Mayor Riley

Email concerning “Hayward’s First 100 Days:” Rick, I am from Charleston, I moved here in 1989 and love Pensacola and I hope that Mayor Hayward…

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