BP admits to losing 13,000 claimants’ info

BP has admitted to losing a laptop that contained the details of thousands of people who had made claims following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill…

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Bergosh blames media (me) for Tate furor

School Board member Jeff “Godzilla” Bergosh sees the Tate sexual battery as “Rock’em, Sock ’em Robots.” He believes that Tate officials did no wrong and…

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House bill wipes out most consumer protections

The Florida House leadership, of course, has a different, grander purpose for its vast deregulation bill, HB 5005. They say they are after “Job-killing regulations.”…

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Buzz: Lumon May running for District 3

Lumon May is working hard behind the scenes in preparing his announcement for his candidacy for Escambia County Commission, District 3. The current commissioner, Marie…

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Manslaughter charges considered for BP managers

The Guardian is reporting that BP executives, including ex-chief executive Tony Hayward, may be charged by US authorities over the lost of lives caused by…

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Sex Offense not reported to FDOE

As I’ve written on this blog, Florida Department of Education is clear that sex offenses should be reported to the agency and law enforcement. We…

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School District refuses to release info on sex offenses

The Escambia Public School District reported to the Florida Department of Education that it had 17 sex offenses in the 2009-10 school year. Of those…

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Scott’s advisor Rhee caught in possible cheating scandal

As the District of Columbia’s former public schools chief, Michelle Rhee rode soaring student test scores to a national reputation as a model education reformer….

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Helicopters back up

Press Release: Sheriff David Morgan announced today that the Sheriff’s helicopter will be brought back into operation on a limited basis. The Sheriff’s Office has…

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DOE says report all sexual offenses immediately

The Florida Department of Education defines sexual offense and sexual battery in its “Definitions for Incident Reporting” (Appendix P)—that is part of Volume I: Automated…

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District handled 1995 sexual incident differently

From Pensapedia: Horace Jones is the former principal of Pensacola High School who was removed in 1996 for allegedly attempting to cover up the PHS…

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Should have called CrimeStoppers

Press Release: Pensacola, FL – A bogus report that a Pensacola woman, wishing to turn herself in on a warrant, was being held against her…

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