Seventeen Magazine: Skip Panama City Beach Spring Break

The latest issue of Seventeen Magazine paints Spring Break in Panama City Beach as a “grimy reality” of trash, drunks and casual sex and highlights…

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Broxson on GCCF: “No access or accountability”

State Rep. Doug Broxson traveled to Dublin, Ohio to tour the Gulf Coast Claims Facility, supposedly the headquarters for the claims process run by Ken…

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Now on Ed Schultz Radio show

Must be my radio day. Mike Papantonio is filling in for Ed and just finished a segment on The Daily Beast

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Right wing radio is slipping

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh are losing fans in a key market. Year-end to year-end comparisons of the crucial 24 to 55 demographic…

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Spencer tackles Magnolia Cemetery

Councilman Brian Spencer posted this report on his clean-up of Magnolia Cemetery: Progress continues to be made at a District 6 landmark, Magnolia Cemetery, located…

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Back on WCOA

This morning I’m on WCOA’s morning show, filling in for Don Parker. Should be fun.

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Pensacola Aquaman lashes back

Bill Young, president and maybe sole member of Aquarium for Pensacola, fired off a letter last Friday to hopefully resurrect his idea for a downtown…

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Hawthorne up for EBO role at CMP

George Hawthorne’s Diversity Program Advisors Inc. is being recommended by the Community Maritime Park Associate board’s EBO Committee to take charge of CMPA’s Equal Business…

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Lewis Bear hits 70

Lewis Bear, the patriarch of the Lewis Bear Company, is celebrating his 70th birthday. In 2009, Bear topped the IN Power List as the most…

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Buzz: ECUA drinking water the worst?!?

This news article is bouncing all over town via Facebook and emails. Pensacola has been tagged as the Worst Drinking Water in the U.S. by…

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Nacho Daddies opening delayed

The much-anticipated grand opening (at least at IN office) of Nacho Daddies has been delayed for a week. The Tacos, Nachos & Beer, Grab &…

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Patrick Gonzalez issues statement

This was emailed to me early this morning: Public Statement concerning the Capital Murder charges of Byrd and Melanie Billings When the government brings a…

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