Steen Civil Suit Likely Set For November

Aaron Watson, the attorney for the family of Victor Steen, tells IN he will likely file a civil suit against the City of Pensacola next…

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September contributions to mayoral race

Since the August primary, Mike Wiggins was successful in raising money from the parties  involved in the airport hotel development lawsuit, Chamber, Fiesta and retired…

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Rubio takes beating, not rattled

The debate between Marco Rubio, Charlie Crist and Kendrick Meek was heated. Crist and Meek went after Rubio, the clear front-runner in the race for…

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Student loan defaults

The Orlando Sentinel has an article on the student loan defaults. The Sun Sentinel has a database on percentage of borrowers whose loans became due…

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Another rumor hits the dust

Among the Pensacola Firefighters a rumor that has surfaced since the August primary has been that Charles Bare, who placed fourth in the mayor’s race,…

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City Spent More Than $70k In Airport Suit

According to and e-mail from City Attorney Rusty Wells, $71,000 was spent on attorney fees in a fight with the PNS Hotel Group over a…

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Adequate Yearly Progress letters

We have received copies of the letters the elementary school principals sent home regarding the adequate yearly progress. There is definitely a formula the principals…

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Buzz: Inappropiate timing by Wiggins (updated)

While the buzz about Pensacola mayoral candidate Ashton Hayward skipping the Downtown Rotary debate has started to die down, there is a rumble in the…

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Buzz: Another Gallery Night to be added

The buzz is the Downtown Improvement Board will vote on adding another Gallery Night on Oct. 22. The vote will be this week.

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School District Releases Statement On Amendment 8

Press Release: At the September 21, 2010, regular meeting of the School Board of Escambia County, Florida, a position statement on proposed Amendment 8 was…

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Buzz: Hayward v. Rotary, Thomas v. PFD

It’s fall and Pensacola turns to football and politics. While many are looking forward to the Florida vs. Alabama football game, minor skirmishes are developing…

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NYT: GOP takes House, falls short in Senate

Nate Silver of the New York Times in his FiveThirtyEight blog is forecasting that the Republicans will take over the House of Representatives (224-211) but…

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