Coby Says Petition Decision “Stands”

City Manager Al Coby tells IN his decision not to accept a petition to stop the construction of stadium for the Community Maritime Park is…

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Still not sure about state races?

Check the St. Pete Times: 2010 Primary Guide: Gives you a nice profiles on the candidates for U.S. Senate, Governor and Attorney General. For separating…

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File under “It never ends”

Once again operating under his own rules, realtor Marty Donovan will have an attorney deliver 3,916 petitions on Monday morning August 23 at 8:15 to…

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One more Donovan gem

When the first proposal for the Trillium property across from Pensacola City Hall went to referendum what did then-Councilman Marty Donovan say: “The citizens earned…

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Marty wanted retail and commercial at park, in 2004

While researching another topic I came across what then-Councilman Marty Donovan said when Adm. Jack Fetterman first presented the maritime museum (the one Marty now…

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No one was there….

Marty Donovan and his naysayers had told city staff that they would deliver their petitions to Pensacola City Hall at 8:30 p.m. I went to…

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Donovan/Nobles petition fails

Marty Donovan and Jack Nobles failed to deliver their petition signatures at the close of business today to the city clerk at Pensacola City Hall….

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Fish kill at Fort Pickens

What is the impact of the BP oil disaster on marine life? The food chain is impacted. BP will try to clean it up before…

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Where will Donovan drop off petitions?

Marty Donovan has told the daily newspaper that he has until midnight to complete his petition drive against the maritime park. If he doesn’t bring…

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Donovan/Nobles petition push still 1,000 short?

The daily newspaper reports that Marty Donovan and Jack Nobles were still about 1,000 signatures short of meeting the minimum threshold of 3,850 petitions for…

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Buzz: Pensacola Beach fish kill

I just got a phone call that BP workers are cleaning up a fish kill on Pensacola Beach near Ft. Pickens. Will have photos soon.

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Too Early To Turn Back On Spill

The Huffington Post has a nice piece today that highlights the recent downplay of the BP oil disaster. Article

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