It’s late at night …and I’ve had too much to think – 9/12/06

It has been a week since the Community Maritime Park passed. Everything is the same, but everything has changed. The Pensacola City Council, except for…

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Aragon East in the Raw

Here are the raw scores on the Aragon East proposals: Townsend Downtown Pensacola Hotel 47 Esplanade 64 Hawkshaw Eastside 85 Technology Bay 78 Technology Bay…

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Obermann Blasts Bush

Last night, MSNBC host Keith Obermann blasted Pres. Bush on his show with Ground Zero in the background. It is the most scathing attack on…

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Ninth Ave Selection Controversy

Yesterday’s CRA meeting had its share of controversy when developers protested the award of the Aragon East project to Hawkshaw Eastside. The PNJ covered the…

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Belmont-DeVillers votes to be in DIB referendum

At yesterday’s Pensacola City Council Committee of the Whole – Dolores Curry asked that the Belmont DeVillers be included in the referendum for an expanded…

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Video: The Best War Ever

There is a new book out on the propaganda campaign that led us into the Iraq War – The Best War Ever: Lies, Damned Lies…

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Hot. Hot, Hot – 9/11/06

Most views for Monday, 9/11 Kolokouris may be big winner, too 9/11 Rememberance Escambia Co. School Board races – major 9/11: Where were you? Virgil…

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Debt of Honor – fictional 9/11 attack

After the 9/11 attack, several analysts made comparisons with Tom Clancey’s book ‘Debt of Honor.’ Here are excerpts from his book: “The irony of the…

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What the local military said on 9/12/01

IN editor Duwayne Escobedo wrote this article on the local military’s response to 9/11 for the 9/14/01 issue: A terrorist seizes a jumbo jet and…

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Quotes in Aftermath of 9/11

For our 9/14/01 issue, we called around the community for quotes. Here’s what we heard: “Look what happens when we let our guard down. It’s…

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9/11 Photos

We ran a special issue after the 9/11 tragedy. Here are few of the photos from the New York Times News Services that were in…

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9/11 – Picking up the pieces

Our A&E Editor Sam Baltrusis was in New York City when the planes crashed into the World Trade Center. A year later, he wrote for…

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