Gingrich: Get any job that teaches you to show up on Monday

Today at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Newt Gingrich proposed radical new ideas to solve poverty in America, including changes in child labor laws, getting rid…

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Rise & Fall of Cain

CafePress is an e-commerce platform that powers user-designed merchandise. With an average of over 137,000 new designs uploaded every week, many of them are political…

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Another bizarre GOP debate

The Republican Party’s presidential nomination process has become a weird reality show. There hasn’t been anything like it since Anna Nicole Smith had her show…

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Don’t count out Obama in 2012

President Barack Obama is doing far better at attracting grass-roots financial support this year than his Republican rivals, according to new contribution data. He’s doing…

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Cain visited Holy Land…uh, the one in Orlando

To beef up his foreign policy experience, GOP presidential front-runner Herman Cain visited yesterday the Holy Land Experience in Orlando.

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