GOP spin on last night’s primary, by candidate

Romney Narrowly Wins Michigan GOP Primary Mitt Romney narrowly won the Michigan Republican presidential primary Tuesday. The former Massachusetts governor defeated Rick Santorum, who had…

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Primary wins show voters believe Romney most electable

With his wins in Michigan and Arizona, Mitt Romney proved money counts. Using his huge campaign war chest, the former governor from Massachusetts blasted upstart…

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Rubio was once a Mormon, too

According to a MSNBC  FirstRead  report….  Marco Rubio (who is on the short list for GOP VP running mate)  was at one point a Mormon. …

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Video: Paul calls Santorm a fake

Ron Paul stood by a campaign ad that calls Rick Santorum a fake, in the most recent Republican presidential debate Wednesday. Source: CBS

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Not what he meant…. exactly…

On CBS’s “Face the Nation” Rick Santorum says No – he was not questioning the President’s religious faith – but, he does question his world…

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Watch out for Rombo!!!

Rick Santorum knows what’s in store for him: a whole lot commercials. Attempting to head Romney off at the mud-slinging pass, he released this Rombo…

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Voter registration system broken

The American democracy’s greatest achievement―fair elections―is at risk because of outdated and inefficient voter registration systems, according to a report by the Pew Center on…

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Bookies like Obama, Romney but Santorum rising

Europe’s largest betting company Paddy Power have today slashed the odds on Rick Santorum winning the Republican nomination after the former Pennsylvania senator won the…

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C-SPAN in Pensacola

You’ve watched it in the middle of the night on television, now come aboard the bus. The C-SPAN Campaign 2012 Bus will be making a…

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Romney 46.4%

“A competitive primary does not divide us” Read Washington Post “Romney Wins Big in Florida Primary”

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Florida GOP Timeline

 As Florida heads to the polls Santorum has gone, Romney has a double digit lead, and it ended up downright nasty between the two GOP…

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Gingrich’s Fly-by

A chilly line of political spectators waited outside an airplane hangar this morning for an opportunity to see GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Though he…

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