What happened at WalMart on Blue Angel….we want your accounts of the arrest

On Thanksgiving night, a local woman, Annette Bennett, was arrested at Wal-Mart and charged with disorderly conduct, resisting an officer without violence and trespassing after…

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Grover given Environmental Leadership award

Press Release: Florida Local Environmental Resources Agencies Awards Commissioner Grover C. Robinson, IV with the Outstanding Environmental Leadership Award.. The Florida Local Environmental Resources Agencies…

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Reader Viewpoint: Valentino Maximus

By Arnold L. Seligman, Cantonment… Your recent interview with Mr. Valentino was enlightening (“Buddha and the Godfather“). I didn’t realize that Escambia County had anointed…

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Commission Wilson Robertson blasts media as the county’s ‘worst enemy’

Three Escambia County Commissioners were sworn into office today–Lumon May, Steven Barry and Wilson Robertson, who told the packed house that this would be his…

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Commission Passes Gas Tax

After nearly four hours the crowd had thinned, but there were still plenty of people left in the gallery to watch the Escambia County Commission…

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John Powell enters pre-trial diversion program

Press Release: The Office of the State Attorney announced today that John Powell has entered a Pretrial Diversion Program in his pending case. Powell was…

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Commission: 3% All Around

The Escambia County Commission began the discussion last night by talking about three percent cost-of-living increases for county employees, but in the face of a…

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Budget Amendments, Pay Raises & RESTORE

The Escambia County Commission will be looking to take care of more than a half million dollars worth of supplemental budget amendments tonight. Commissioners plan…

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SRIA Walks the Dog a Little Further

The dogs-on-beach conversation will spend a little more time making the rounds at the Santa Rosa Island Authority. The beach advisory board decided last night…

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Citizens organize to stop new interim county administrator

Commissioners Gene Valentino, Kevin White and Wilson Robertson aren’t finding overwhelming support for their hiring of former County Administrator George Touart. A group of citizens…

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SRIA to Consider Dogs on Beach

The Santa Rosa Island Authority will conduct the second public hearing this evening concerning the possibility of allowing dogs limited access to Pensacola Beach. Last…

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BP’s Early Restoration Dollars, Round Two

The public will have the opportunity tonight to review and comment on a recently released plan from the Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment trustees….

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