There was no error by Roads

Through a public records request, I have the bids made by Gulf Equipment and Roads Inc on the Maplewood drainage project. As you would expect,…

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County Purchasing Rules are clear

Escambia County has a set of general terms and conditions for all its sealed bids (Read). The Maplewood drainage project request for bids clearly states…

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Roads Inc awarded $1.94 million last half ’09

Roads, Inc has done very well with Escambia County since June 2009 7/23 Awarded Molino Road Resurfacing $858,713.50 and Saufley Field Road Resurfacing $433,836 8/15…

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Valentino backtracks…too little, too late?

Escambia Commissioner Gene Valentino has a problem. He can’t get his stories straight, according to the PNJ. We know that he met with Cody Rawson…

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Roads wanted to protest its own bid, no really

Here is the video of Russell Weaver of Roads Inc. The heart of his argument is that Roads Inc’s protest of its own bid “broke…

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Did Valentino solicit campaign contributions from his office?

The Florida Statutes state it is illegal for an elected official to solicit campaign contributions from his government office. PNJ reporter Jamie Page reports on…

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Why the county has sealed bids

Why is the sealed bid process so sacred? Because Escambia County has a history of backroom deals and preferential treatment for certain contractors. It wasn’t…

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Proposed new county bid process

1. Open bids 2. Ask – “Did anybody make a mistake?” 3. Ask – “Can anybody beat the lowest bid?” 4. Repeat steps 2 and…

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Roads, Inc Circus has second act today

The Escambia County Commission will meet again today. Reportedly Comm. Kevin White will make a motion to reconsider the rebidding of the Maplewoods drainage project….

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Another one of Cody’s tricks

That’s what local contractors are telling the IN about Roads, Inc. convincing the Escambia County Commission to rebid the Maplewoods drainage project. Few doubt there…

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Bid integrity

There are four hot topics being discussed around town: Malcolm Thomas and the Brownsville Middle School fiasco Consolidation – what will happen next? Victor Steen…

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Would you buy a school from this man?

Superintendent Malcolm Thomas has told the IN that he didn’t know about the 1.4-million water leak at Brownsville Middle School until Friday, Jan. 8—after we…

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