Rare find at Downtown Library

In September 2008, a hand-bound booklet, very old in nature, of 96 pages was discovered in the Downtown Library garage in a Donations box placed…

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Kerr owned Ice Pilots for two seasons

Tim Kerr bought the Pensacola Ice Pilots in 2003. His first season (2003-04) he reportedly lost $420,000. The next season despite dealing with the aftermath…

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Round 2: Economic Development Polka

Two weeks ago, Mort O’Sullivan and the Pensacola Bay Area Chamber of Commerce delivered to the Escambia County Commission and the Pensacola City Council their…

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Engineers make recommendations on bidding process

The Northwest Florida Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society is making its recommendations to Escambia County Commission on how to improve its process for awarding…

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Hockey proposal

Southern Professional Hockey League is on the County Commission’s agenda for tomorrow. In Feb. 26 letter to Commissioner Wilson Robertson, former Ice Pilots owner Tim…

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Century residents write Obama

NorthEscambia.com is reporting that Century residents have started a letter writing campaign to President Barrack Obama to save Carver-Century K-8 School. Read more.

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Who is speaking the most at council meetings

Jaime Page’s column today writes about the marathon committee meetings. Diane Mack had a friend analyze how did the speaking during the nearly eight-hour meeting…

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MSNBC: Pensacola in recession

MSNBC.com and Moody’s Economy.com are publishing monthly the Adversity Index, which measures the economic health of 381 metro areas and all 50 states. Each area…

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20 years to honor principal

Press Release B.T. Washington High Class of 1987 Honors Sherman L. Robinson It took many years, but the B.T. Washington High School Class of 1987…

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Boone Report: Rush to nothing

IN reporter Sean Boone attended yesterday Council meeting. This is his report. Another day, another Community Maritime Park meeting. On Monday, Pensacola City Council spent…

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Santa Rosa forms YP group

Press Release The Santa Rosa Young Professionals (SYRP) is a new organization designed to engage up-and-coming leaders, 21 years of age or older who live…

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BTW: Miller voted No on 2010 budget

It’s a little ironic than Congressman Jeff Miller published his list of appropriation requests last week, but voted against the House version of the national…

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