Neighbors protest dollar store coming to Summit Blvd

We are getting several emails regarding a dollar store (not sure which brand – Dollar General, Family Dollar, Dollar Tree or just Dollar Dollar) being…

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Viewpoint: Domestic Partnership Registries benefit a broader community

By Joshua Jones On Thursday evening this week, supporters of a proposed Domestic Partnership Registry are encouraged to wear red and attend the City Council…

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Food Trucks are not unique to Pensacola, but need reasonable regulations

Imagine if all the Pensacola movie theaters fought to outlaw DVD rentals, if hospitals wanted a ban on open MRIs outside their facilities or outpatient…

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Free downtown parking may vanish as DIB and City look for funds to keep downtown Pensacola clean

Downtown Improvement Board member John Peacock yesterday asked the DIB Parking and Traffic Committee to look at ways to increase its revenue. He suggested that…

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City Council to discuss Domestic Partnership Registry

The Pensacola City Council will consider today at its Agenda Review a proposal to create a Domestic Partnership Registry. The ordinance was drafted by the…

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DIB employee terminated over dispute regarding Palafox celebration, was about to go on medical leave

Hillary Gilles, the Downtown Improvement Board’s manager for Gallery Night and Palafox Market, was upset that she wasn’t included in Mayor Ashton Hayward’s Palafox Celebration…

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Officer report on Patel incident tells a different story

Nash Patel and his wife had an incident with Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies on Wednesday night when he reported an alleged burglary at his brother-in-law’s…

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Commissioner May comes to aid of parade organizers

The daily newspaper has an article on how the volunteers that have organized the Pensacola Veterans Day believe that they have been given the runaround…

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Charles Bare files to run for mayor

City Councilman Charles Bare has pre-filed for Mayor of Pensacola in the 2014 Election. Now things are going to get interesting.

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Mayor says city is not broke

At meeting today’s “Morning with the Mayor” session, I asked Mayor Ashton Hayward whether the city was broke. IN: What is the financial status of…

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City of Pensacola may let firefighters keep pension plan open

Mayor Ashton Hayward said this morning at his “Mornings with the Mayor” with the media that there is a possibility that the fire pension may…

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Pensacola 2013 State of the City address text

Good Evening. Thank you all for coming. Together, we have laid the foundation for meaningful work to come. We have proven to ourselves we can…

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