Longer BOCC meetings

The Board of County Commissioners will have to add additional half hour to its meetings for County Administrator to go over all this relationships with…

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Back to the Future with George

A week after County Administrator George Touart was verbally reprimanded by the Escambia County commission for side business deals with parties involved in a $1.41…

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Touart hole gets deeper

The PNJ has uncovered more on County Administrator George Touart and his business dealings with people who do business with Escambia County. Touart’s employee leasing…

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Germ of an idea

After I realized that the Escambia Sheriff’s total budget was nearly $30 million more than the entire City of Pensacola budget, it became very apparent…

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What is the ECSO budget

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office proposed budget for 2007-08 can not be found anywhere online. From the Escambia County website we can learn that from…

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MOBy makes a good point

Today PNJ columnist Mark O’Brien makes a good point about city councilmen and county commissioners needing to be bold. I would push the point even…

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INdaily has Volunteer Fire audit report

Duwayne Escobedo reports on the volunteer firefighters rebuttal to the Clerk’s audit of stipends. We actually have the pdf of the report. Read: Volunteer Fire…

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County missed the ECAT bus

Our research is revealing more to the ECAT funding issue than what has been reported by the Escambia Board of County Commissioners. The City of…

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Budget choices

Commissioner Mike Whitehead did make a bold move when he questioned whether reserves should be used for libraries and ECAT. It would have been very…

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Need for charter

The funds for funding the libraries and ECAT are in the Escambia County Sheriff’s $75-$80 million budget, but because we don’t have a charter, the…

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Battle of the bears

Yesterday’s meeting between the Pensacola City Council and the Escambia Board of County Commissioners was a battle of the bears – Commissioner Mike Whitehead and…

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From P.A Ucci – on the Pensacola City Council vote to pay $50,000 to prepare a special assessment plan to fund fire protection: “HAVE YOU…

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