From P.A Ucci – on the Pensacola City Council vote to pay $50,000 to prepare a special assessment plan to fund fire protection: “HAVE YOU…

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Message to Elected Officials

From Jack Moran, Century: To the Pensacola City Council, This move (to give ECAT to Pensacola) by the county would be the kiss of death…

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How to fund ECAT

Escambia County could easily cover ECAT’s budget shortfall if it would cut the number of secretaries, administrative assistants and aides in county government. Currently they…

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State vs. County on cuts

It’s interesting to see how the state of Florida handles its budget cuts. Lawmakers are looking at cuts in the state’s airplanes ($1.5 million) and…

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Get real, EC

The daily newspaper reports that Escambia County plans to trade Pensacola the Escambia County Area Transit system for the West Florida Public Library System. Get…

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PNJ calls for Touart retirement

The daily newspaper has finally spoken on the Touart/Bauer land deal. Their position is that County Administrator George Touart should retire. The hard truth is…

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Thank Buck for US 98

When Escambia County commissioners and the Pensacola city councilmen voted to take $65 million in state and federal funds that had has long been intended…

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Highly political week ends

Here is the scorecard: City of Pensacola: No strong mayor, but will review charter. No to another industrial tenant to the Port of Pensacola –…

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Touart survives

The Bauer Road deal got canceled. Touart may have his contract modified so that three votes on the BOCC can remove him from office. The…

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PNJ offers no opinion of Touart/Land deal

The daily newspaper has devoted two days to the George Touart/Bauer Road land deal. Yet their editorial board has written no opinions on the issue….

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Not first time for ethics policy

In January 2004, then-County Commissioner Janice Gilley brought up the idea of instituting such a code of ethics for county employees and an annual performance…

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Musings on Touart/Land deal

First, I believe that the Bauer Road land deal is fair and fulfills a public recreation need. [In the interest of full disclosure, Neal Nash…

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