Check out IN music coverage

We’ve added more Music articles to All Songs Considered NPR is cooler than ever.. and they’ve got a podcast to prove it. Vinyl Is…

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Fetterman Museum renderings

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ECAT protest march

ECAT drivers and riders marched on Escambia County Office Complex this afternoon (around 4 pm) to protest proposed cutbacks on ECAT. They carried handmade signs…

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Report: CMPA meeting and budget vetoes

From IN editor Duwayne Escobedo: Lacey Collier on Gov. Charlie Crist veto of $2.5 million for environmental cleanup of Community Maritime Park: “I’m going to…

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Gay bashing rules on

Today’s business article in the daily newspaper (Hotels filling fast for holiday weekend) has drawn out the gay bashers – with 48 comments as of…

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State Veto List

Dave Murzin emailed over the pdf of Gov. Crist’s line-item vetoes. Read:  2007 veto list

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Cumulus revenue hasn’t dropped

Got a phone call from Liz Hanlon about the Winners & Losers in May 24 issue. She assured me that the revenue at the Cumulus…

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Crist vetoes $459-million from budget

Escambia & Santa Rosa Counties came out okay. Dave Murzin dropped by the office to tell us some of the items that were cut. The…

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ECSO strong-arm collectors?

The May 24  IN cover story is about a soccer Mom who was arrested and handcuffed in front of her children over a $40 disputed…

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State to rescore 2006 FCAT 3rd-grade reading tests

I can’t believe this didn’t make the daily newspaper today. Bill Kacsor of AP reports: The disclosure that part of Florida’s standardized assessment test was…

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Clinton Campaign Song Contest

Sen. Hillary Clinton wants your input on picking a campaign theme song. More than 100,000 Americans have responded. Clinton has asked voters to choose from…

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Mobile Steel Plant may be boon

The German steelmaker, ThyssenKrupp AG, plans to build a $3.7 billion plant in Mobile County, Ala. There will be 2,700 permanent jobs and 29,000 temporary…

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